
Keys Team - Final Post - Thank You!

On Saturday evening, we PTL that our FBA Florida Keys Mission Team arrived safely back to Georgia after a wonderful week serving the Lord in the Keys! The trip was considered a success from the fact that God provided the team with the wisdom and strength to accomplish a number of projects that helped to achieve the following results: A very friendly elderly woman that some of the team developed a relationship with now has a new porch deck that she will be able to use even in the event that she is forced to use a wheelchair. A couple of the team members also cleaned her house while they were waiting for things to do to help with the porch deck. The elderly woman’s dogs are also able to enjoy the new porch deck with her as they no longer have to go up and down steps. A volunteer firefighter whose house had its roof ripped off was provided with a materials list and detailed instructions for how to complete the work so he could finally finish the restoration work two years aft

Keys Team - Day 5

Today, our Florida Keys Team took a well-deserved break from its disaster recovery efforts. After dropping off a Bible and praying with one of the homeowners we came to know this week, we headed to Key West to enjoy some R&R in a new place that we had previously been unable to see.  The team also received very positive feedback from the United Methodist Disaster Recovery management team. The management team indicated that the recovery efforts of the team were among the most productive team efforts during a week of time as the organization has experienced during the last two years of its recovery efforts. They also indicated that they would like FBA to send the team back down to the Florida Keys to continue to assist with their efforts. These were our primary contacts with the UMC Disaster Recovery Team, Jeremy and Robin Bridges...who both just happen  to be from Atlanta!   Thank you for your prayer support during the team’s relief efforts. Please pray